Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime. You can report a fraud to Action Fraud any time of the day or night using our online fraud reporting tool.
Crimestoppers West Midlands Crimestoppers in the West Midlands region is made up of seven volunteerareas; West Midlands, WesMercia, Warwickshire, Staffordshire,
Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Telford and Wrekin. We help to promote the charity in communities across the region, to let people know that Crimestoppers is there for them as an anonymous route to pass on information about crime. Crimestoppers guarantees anonymity, which means that no-one can ever find out who passed on information about crime.
Immobilise.com is the world's largest FREE register of possession ownership details and together with its sister sites the Police's NMPR and CheckMEND, forms a very effective tool in helping to reduce crime and repatriate recovered personal property to its rightful owners.
Immobilise can be used by members of the public and businesses to register their valued possessions or company assets, and exclusive to Immobilise all account holders registered items and ownership details are viewable on the Police national property database the NMPR.
West Midlands Police (Sandwell) Neighbourhood sector covers the policing area of the six towns that make up sandwell being Oldbury, Smethwick, Rowley Regis, Tipton, Wednesbury and West Bromwich. If a crime is taking place always call 999 for all other enquires call 101 or use the links within the West Midlands Police website.
Age UK Sandwell offers help, advice and support to older people across the Sandwell Borough, on many issues from benefits to healthy living, so if you have a question or a problem that you need help with contact Gary Overton, our Information and Advice Manager on 0121 314 4526
The next edition of our newsletter is due out soon so, if you have any ideas for articles you would like to see or topics we could cover; then let us know please write in or email us on Shirley.Bate@ageuksandwell.org.uk.
West Midlands Fire Service our job is to keep the 2.8 million people of the West Midlands safe. We serve a diverse population across Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton. We’re the second largest fire and rescue service in England.
‘The Plan 2017-20’ will give you a real flavour of what we do and why. We hope you enjoy learning about our priorities, how we decide on and achieve them, and – most importantly – the difference this will make to the lives and successes of our residents and businesses.
Tradewell in Sandwell
Need a trader you can trust? The Tradewell in Sandwell Trader Register covers all aspects of home improvement and repair work, including building, carpentry, external property repairs, decorating, home security, car repairs, window cleaners and many more trades.
The Safer Sandwell Partnership Local Police and Crime Board brings together the council, police, fire service, health and probation services and many others to tackle crime and improve community safety.
We work very closely with the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, local voluntary organisations and councillors to set our priorities.
The Crime prevention website contains comprehensive and up-to-date crime prevention advice to help you improve your home and personal security and over time will expand to provide security guidance for all types of buildings and situations
Telephone preference service (TPS)
The free opt out service enabling you to record your preference on the official register and not receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls.
Bristnall neighbourhood watch facebook page Neighbourhood watch Non-Profit organisation running and supproting Neighbourhood watch schemes in the Bristnall area of Sandwell
The UK Safer internet centre is a partnership of three leading charities with a mission to make the internet a better place for children and young people.
We are a partnership between Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and South West Grid for Learning, part-funded by the European Union and part of the Insafe-INHOPE network.
Think Jessica Protecting elderly & vulnerable people from scams which come through the postal system and criminals who contact them by telephone. The National Trading Standards Scams team estimate postal scams could be netting criminals worldwide up to £10 billion a year.
Have you or someone you know been a victim of a hate crime or hate incident?
Hate crimes and incidents come in many different forms. It can be because of hatred on the grounds of your race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or disability.Hate crime in any form is wrong, that is why it is important that if hate crime happens to you or someone you know, that you report it.True Vision is here to give you information about hate crime or incidents and how to report it.
Please note Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel are not responsible for the content of other organisations websites, the links provided were correct upon our last checking. Should you find links are not working please let us know. If you are involved with an organisation that you would like us to link to then please email sandwellpanel@live.co.uk