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Beat the burglar roadshow starts with roaring success and then rolls out to further neighbourhoods around the borough.

The Beat the burglar roadshow got off to a fantastic start on Saturday 21st July in the Friar Park area of Wednesbury. The mornings event started in Solway Close and Berkshire Crescent at 10 am.


Volunteers from Sandwell crime prevention panel were joined by local councillors Simon Hackett and Joy Edis and the Sandwell MBC neighbourhood manager for the area, also in attendance was Councillor Elaine Costigan cabinet member for public health and Safety. Officers and PCSOs from the neighbourhood policing team also participated in the event.

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      (Sandwell crime prevention panel members along with local councillors and WMP neighbourhood team)

Several residents from surrounding streets came along to take away a range of free security items and to discuss local issues with local councillors and the policing team.


From 11 am until noon the roadshow moved onto Carrington Road and upon our arrival we were greeted by residents waiting to take away their goodies and many of the residents again engaged with their councillors and neighbourhood policing team discussing a variety of issues.


Noon and the team moved onto Richard Williams Road which proved a busy location with many residents wanting to come along for advice and the security items on offer and again local councillors were kept busy answering people’s questions.


          (A resident receiving her free security items and advice from one of our hardworking volunteers)

During the morning the local policing team handed out many DNA property marking kits and signed dozens of residents up for the WMNow messaging service (link at the bottom of page).


During the morning the roadshow was visited by over 100 people many of whom said that they now felt safer and more reassured after their visit.



Local residents brave the rain for a visit to the second beat the burglar roadshow.


Residents of Prince George Road and Barlow Road visiting the roadshow

Saturday 8th September and the 'beat the burglar' roadshow rolled into Wednesbury North, Volunteers from Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel were joined by local councillors, local PCSOs and the local neighbourhood manager from Sandwell MBC for the days events.


The morning started with a visit of over an hour to Bilston Road followed by a visit to Westbury Road and Beebee Road, finally the roadshow visited Prince George Road and Barlow Road. Despite a mixture of drizzle, sunshine and heavier rain local residents made a dash for the Crime Prevention vehicle and waiting patiently to speak to them team and collect their free security items. 




Two local residents taking receiving information and security


PCSOs from the local neighbourhood team were kept busy with people signing up for the WMNow messaging scheme (link below) and people signing up to the DNA selecta property marking scheme.


Crime Prevention Panel volunteers handed out over sixty personal attack alarms, shed alarms, Debit / credit card protection sleeves, Anti climb strips and close to 100 home safety packs. Dozens of local ladies jingled their way home after being given purse bells.


Councillors Elaine Costigan, Peter Hughes and Luke Giles were on hand to listen to peoples concerns regarding the local area.


A thank you goes out to all the residents who braved the Autumnal weather.

A very breezy Saturday morning and the beat the burglar Roadshow visits Harvills Hawthorn, Balls Hill and Golf Links




(Residents in the Balls Hill area of Hill Top visiting the roadshow)

Saturday 13th October and Beat the Burglar visits Wednesbury South (Harvills Hawthorn, Hill Top and the Golf Links) for another partnership community advice and engagement session.


Crime Prevention Panel volunteers, local councillors, Sandwell MBC Neighbourhood manager and officers from West Midlands Police joined forces for the morning.


The morning got off to a windy and wet start at Harvills Hawthorn and despite the weather residents came out to collect their property marking kits, alarms and other items and to report any issues that they had regarding their area.

11 am and the team moved onto the Balls Hill area of Hill Top again a steady stream of residents came to visit the crime prevention vehicle.


Noon and we headed to our final destination of the morning Cedar Road and Chestnut Road. Upon arrival at our final stop we already had local people waiting for us and eager to collect their free security items and also spend time discussing the local area with the neighbourhood policing team and local councillors. 

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(Despite the wind and rain people came along at Cedar Road)

A pleasant autumn morning for the beat the burglar teams visit to Charlemont.


The team rolled into Charlemont on Saturday 20th October visiting two prime locations. Just before the scheduled 10am start and local residents starting turning up to visit the Crime Prevention vehicle which was parked up in Pennyhill Lane where it joins Water Lane.


In the hour or so that we spent there dozens of people came along to speak to our volunteers, their local councillors and Sandwell MBC neighbourhood manager.


Most left with a range of security items and advice and the issues raised have been passed onto the relevant council departments and West Midlands police.

(The 'beat-the-burglar' team and local residents in Pennyhill Lane)

11.30am and the team move to Charlemont Methodist church, Charlemont Road and set itself up on the car park, after a few minutes a steady stream of residents starting arriving.


Again most visitors spent time speaking with their local councillors and taking advice and items away from crime prevention panel members.


again all issues raised will be passed on to the appropriate organisations and departments.

(Pictured right the 'beat-the-burglar' team and local residents at Charlemont Methodist church, we would like to express our thanks to Charlemont methodist church for the use of their car park.)


Despite the first snow showers of the winter the roadshow still went ahead with plenty of visitors in Newton, Great Barr & Yew Tree.

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Saturday 27th October greeted us with a blue sky but then all of a sudden "snow flakes" but this didn't deter the residents of Holland Road and surrounding streets from coming out to visit the team.


Before 10am we had a steady stream of people visiting the crime prevention bus to take away their security items and report issues to their local Sandwell MBC councillors and PCSOs from West Midlands Police.


(Pictured left the 'beat-the-burglar' team volunteers from Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel, Local Councillors, Sandwell MBC neighbourhood manager and local PCSOs)

11.15am and the time moved onto Whitecrest in Great Barr upon arrival we had residents waiting for us to set up we had a busy hour with locals again braving the early winter weather.


Our final visit of the day was to Woodruff Way on the Yew Tree and despite the sleet and drizzle becoming more persistent people still seemed eager to come out and collect their security items and raise issues they had regarding their neighbourhood.



(A local residient taking away his 'goody bag' during our visit to Whitecrest)

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Saturday 17th November the roadshow visits Tipton Green

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A November morning and the weather was behaving itself upon our arrival in Baker Street after a quick cuppa the local PCSOs joined us along with a representative from Sandwell MBC’s ASB team and the local councillor.


Local residents started venturing out to visit the bus and seemed very happy to see us and on the main said the Baker Street are was a pleasant area to live in so very few problems reported here.





(Pictured left local residents visiting the team in Baker Street)

Our next port of call was Hall Street just off Dudley Road this was a bit of a quiet spot but we did see a few local residents from the nearby flats.


Our final stop of the day was the Tipton Christian church car park in Waterloo Street.


During the morning 62 people visited the road show with the main areas of concern being car crime (mainly rumours of it), Reports of drug dealing around the old public swimming pool in Queens Road, Speeding vehicles in Waterloo Street.

(Pictured Right local residents visiting the roadshow in Waterloo Street)

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After a mid winter break the beat the burglar roadshow started its 2019 tour of Sandwell neighbourhoods with a visit to Tividale. Despite a windy morning lots of local residents came out to visit the team.


Our first meeting point was on the corner of Oakham Road and Regent Road which proved a popular spot with lots of local residents popping along some visiting us on the way to the local shops.

The show

is back on

  the road

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            (Above local residents coming to have a look at what was taking place in Oakham Road)

   Tividale Saturday 9th February 2019

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Our second visit was to City Road initially we thought we would be located on the car park of the Evangelical church, but upon arrival we were invited inside.


A steady stream of visitors waited patiently to speak to ourselves and collect their security packs. A number of people also took the opportunity to engage with the local councillors, police and volunteers from street watch.

(Left one of our volunteers recording feedback from a local resident)

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Our final port of call was to Regent Road and Red Lion Close by the local shops again this proved a very popular venue with dozens of people coming along to visit the team. 


So all in all a successful start to the roadshows return.

Hateley Heath Saturday 23rd February 2019

Our second roadshow of 2019 took place on a unseasonably warm day for February so great weather for the team to be out and about.  The roadshow visited two locations during the morning starting of with a visit to the Westminster / Canterbury Road area.

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(above one of our team handing over a safety pack to a local resident)

Members of the crime prevention panel were joined by the local neighbourhood PCSOs, Sandwell MBC neighbourhood officers, Councillor Paul Moore and a representative from a local TRA group.


During the hour and a half spent at the the location dozens of people came and spoke with the team and collected their security items.


Many of the visitors came from slightly further away from the direct location having seen social media posts publicising the event.


(above everyone busy with local people coming along to the roadshow)


Later in the morning the roadshow moved a mile or so to Denbeigh Drive and Ely Crescent with a few of the locals already waiting for our arrival.


Once set up a steady flow of visitors kept the team busy until 1pm.


Overall we found the feedback from local people positive with many praising the work of the local PCSOs and neighbourhood team and appreciative of the hard work SMBCs neighbourhood team put in with a large proportion of visitors saying they loved where they live.

( left:that busy in Denbeigh drive we didn't get time for a cuppa)

Saturday 23rd March and its a trip to Princes End

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A 10 o'clock start for the team in Laburnum Road on the Tibbington estate, after a morning cuppa whilst setting up we soon had a steady stream of visitors coming to visit ourselves and the local PCSOs.


Most people took away a selection of security items and advice and we had plenty of feedback from residents especially regarding litter and dog fouling issues.



(Left :Refreshed and ready to greet the residents of the Tibbington Estate)

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On time for a change at 11.15 the roadshow moved onto St. Marks Road where we set up stall on the car park opposite the library.


Within minutes the first of many visitors arrived to collect their security kit and also raise their concerns.


Speeding vehicles and once again dog fouling seemed to be the main concerns.

(Above: local residents visiting the team at Turton Road)

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Our final port of call for the day was Turton Road with its junction of Atwell Road again a steady stream of local residents came over and spoke to ourselves and the PCSOs. Off road bikers and fly tipping seemed to be the main issues in the area.

Langley Saturday 6th April

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Again a great day with the local PCSOs and ward councillors addressing lots of issues in the three locations we visited.


                                          Windsor Road, Brook Road and Shelsey Avenue.


We wont ramble on this time we will give you a chance to see how busy the morning was just take a look at our short video below.

Great Bridge Saturday 11th May 2019

The first location for the Roadshow on this sunny Saturday morning was Cotterills Road where we had a steady stream of people visiting us including members of the local dog walking club.





We then ventured onto Scott Street again a steady stream of visitors popped along to meet the team.

Our final port of call for the day was fisher Street near to Great Bridge shopping area this proved a very popular spot with over 40 people coming over to have a chat and pick up their security freebies.

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Old Warley Friday 11th October

BTB team

The Beat the burglar roadshow visited Old Warley during the Oldbury Safer6 week.


Despite a very wet morning people ventured out on a damp Friday afternoon to meet the team.

The Roadshow visited Walter Road before moving onto Brennand Road and finally Clent Road to end the afternoon.

Clent Road

West Bromwich Central Friday 8th November

The Beat the burglar roadshow came to West Bromwich 

on the afternoon of Friday 8th November the first port of call for the team was Tildasley Street in the Carters Green Area.


This was a quiet residential area and the residents who visited the roadshow had very few issues regarding crime or other issues.


The second area visited was Europa Avenue on the edge of Sandwell Valley despite the damp afternoon turning into a wet afternoon keen residents came to visit the team and speak to the local neighbourhood watch Co ordinator who joined us for the visit.




Tildasley Street
Europa Avenue

The crime prevention panel is currently completing 2019 by visiting various festive events around the borough and will be allowing our volunteers a few weeks off in January.


But beat the burglar will return in





Holly Plant

Beat the burglar is a working partnership provided by

© 2016 Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel created with

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