In line with Government emergency rules the physical activities of the crime prevention panel are currently on hold until further notice. We will however be active on social media giving advice and information to our followers.Stay alert, stay safe and if possible stay at home.
What is Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel, what does it do ?
The Sandwell Crime Prevention Panel is a multi award winning local independent charity working in the Borough of Sandwell to promote crime prevention and community safety. We are made up mainly of unpaid volunteers from the local community with diverse backgrounds.
The panel have worked with various organisations over the years, We work closely with the Community safety team based at West Bromwich police station, we have also worked with Sandwell MBC, Red Cross and Victim Support to name just a few.
2020 and the panel enters its sixth decade working to promote crime prevention and community safety to thousands of people.

Our membership is made up from a broad spectrum of volunteers people who live, work or are educated in Sandwell. Local people with local knowledge and experience of the Six towns unique culture. If after browsing our site you feel that by dedicating just a few hours per month you may be able to enhance our activities and help local people then please get in touch by clicking on the contact us tab on the menu at the top of the screen.